Heal by reading!

Do you want to avoid diseases and their serious consequences? How does a book heal? Not only provide some help in the healing process, but really heal You?

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Sounds familiar?

It is a scientifically proven fact that while reading, cellular level biochemical, biophysical changes affecting the whole body. This method starts in the human brain, consciousness and effects the subconscious, while positive messages generate hope, the brain and soul almost convince themselves and start working according to new beliefs and conduct to operate every part of the body on the right way. The process is automatic, to put it simply, works exactly like when we start our salivation by thinking of a juicy lemon. Our book is structured to convince you step by step that your illness is curable, your pain can be eliminated, your immune system is resistant to infections, pandemics, and so on. And your body will work according to a completely new program, the self-healing mechanisms of the human body will be activated for healing.


Katalin (83)

I have been through several diseases. At first I thought that was because of my old age (74), but when I came across this book, I recognized I’d been wrong. The book is amazing! It has restored my confidence in living in such an old age in good mental and physical condition. It has helped me discover the power of healing through words, sentences and explanations. I never thought there could be anything like that out there… yet there is and it’s working! I use this book on a weekly basis. Reading it works like a kind of immunotherapy that helps me overcome the bogeyman of illness. The book keeps my mind on the positive side by preventing me from giving way to despair. I am 83, live an active life and have the best haemogram in the family! This book is a definite must for everyone! Katalin (83)

József (77)

I had brain tumour four years ago. It all began with forgetting things and getting mad about trifles, making life unbearable for my friends and family. I was shocked to know after the CT test that I was in for a bad operation… The idea of brain surgery in my age was terrifying. Then somebody showed me this book and my opinion changed. I decided to get well and somehow knew the treatment would be successful. I said, ‘It’s my life after all, so I must have the right to choose which way to go.’ To cut it short, I accepted the message of the book – and stayed alive! I have fully recovered and enjoy life as never before. Life is beautiful – cling to it! József (77)

2+1 questions the book is sure to answer.

Why do we get ill?

You can’t blame the environment or genetics only for getting ill. It is often our fault as well. Physical sickness is often triggered by mental causes. Our diet, mentality, self-image or the way we perceive life will all influence our physical as well as mental health. By understanding the mechanism of sickness formation we can stop and reverse harmful processes.

Why do we get ill?

You can’t blame the environment or genetics only for getting ill. It is often our fault as well. Physical sickness is often triggered by mental causes. Our diet, mentality, self-image or the way we perceive life will all influence our physical as well as mental health. By understanding the mechanism of sickness formation we can stop and reverse harmful processes.

How can I get well?

From Illness to Healing is about hope and a determined faith in healing. It conveys to the reader the most important message: there is remedy for any disease. Also, it proves that it’s possible to obtain perfect recovery. The book provides hands-on training and gives advice for a successful recovery by discussing questions you too might be looking to answer.

The supernatural miracle of healing

The core message is you should never underestimate the onset of a disease. Sickness is a message sent by your body to indicate there is an inner malfunction, which is possibly caused by disharmony around you. The book presents sickness evolution in a positive, easy-to-read format, demonstrating there is a light at the end of even the darkest tunnel in a human’s life. Yet more importantly, it also guides you through the process and reveals the secrets of your body’s regeneration ability that affects your every cell. It will tell you of the power of your brain, teaching you how to shape your thinking in a way that employs the laws of the spiritual world to achieve supernatural healing. Join the journey in this life-changing adventure and experience the miracle of healing!

The supernatural miracle of healing

The core message is you should never underestimate the onset of a disease. Sickness is a message sent by your body to indicate there is an inner malfunction, which is possibly caused by disharmony around you. The book presents sickness evolution in a positive, easy-to-read format, demonstrating there is a light at the end of even the darkest tunnel in a human’s life. Yet more importantly, it also guides you through the process and reveals the secrets of your body’s regeneration ability that affects your every cell. It will tell you of the power of your brain, teaching you how to shape your thinking in a way that employs the laws of the spiritual world to achieve supernatural healing. Join the journey in this life-changing adventure and experience the miracle of healing!

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WARNING! Only a limited number of copies are available in Hungarian!

Illness? Healing!


Why do some people get well, while others don’t?


Why do we get sick and why right with the very disease?


Can we recover from a disease that modern medicine deems uncurable?


What must I do to get well?

Healing is real and you can be part of it.

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The book From Illness to Healing was written after I found answers to the above questions. I felt morally obliged to spread the news that Healing is real, and that this applies to you as well.

I want to get well! Send me the book.

Here’s what some of other readers have to say about the book

A few years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. To brace myself for the future, I read loads of medical literature and searched the internet for advice. It was then that I came across the book From Illness to Healing, which was published around that time in Hungary. This simple book convinced me that I had a chance to avoid early death (I was 42 at the time). Also, I firmly believed I wouldn’t have to loose my femininity and that I would be healed without having my breasts removed. My faith got stronger from letter to letter until I got carried away with all the natural and supernatural powers they conveyed. I got well just the way I wanted and as was best for me. As a first sign, the tumour had somewhat regressed by the date of operation. It sufficed only to remove the tumour, which had become well visible, without disturbing the surrounding, healthy tissue. There was no metastasis and I’m still healthy even after so many years. I have read the book again and again to gain new strength from it. I’ve become a healthy and positive person. Don’t miss this opportunity. Your life may depend on it! Judit (43)

My history is simple. At the age of 8 I got hit by a car while rollerskating. I lay in a coma for weeks. One day, in the hospital, my mother met the author of From Illness to Healing, who happened to be a health coach. They agreed to start a spiritual fight for me, continously knocking on the door of the supernatural. They convinced the doctors to keep me on a ventilator, thereby preserving the ties between my body and soul intact. They struggled to keep me alive so intensely that I felt the power of their prayers even in the coma. This caused me to suddenly wake up and get better. My rehabilitation advanced at an exceptional rate up until a full recovery. You need to know how the healing powers in your body work! I’ve received a new life and I want to keep it! Bence (16)


The Causes of Illnesses

Stress and Depression

Psychosomatic Diseases

The Digestive System

Ulcerous Colitis

Liver Damage


The Causes of Diabetes


How We Attract Mortal Diseases

The Psychological Causes of Heart Diseases


The Healing Faith – The Placebo Effect

The Keys to Recovery 1

Stages of Recovery

Psychic Factors in the Formation of Cancer

Other testimonials

Dear All, I recommed this book to all those who care about their good health, as well as to those that wish to dig deep to preserve it. Good health is not something you should take for granted! You must accept things don’t always turn out the way you planned. It’s a good idea to know both the inner and outer reasons for the changes in your life. Discover your inner self and integrate in your personality any idea of this book that you feel you can benefit from.  Tibor (55)

This book confirmed what I already knew rather than told me anything new. It has provided me with extra motivation for a positive living. The author lays great stress on prevention and demonstrates that, thanks to the considerable vitamin and nutritive content, a high fruit and vegetable intake is a cheap alternative to expensive medical treatment. However, spiritual well-being and a positive self-image are just as important. Keeping a mental and physical equilibrium enables your immune system to defeat any disease that may come in your way. The book gives you a new perspective on a lot of symptoms. Just to name a few, the author labels depression and stress as deficiency diseases, which is a new and brilliant approach. You can learn that depression derives from a lack of happiness, while stress is caused by a lack of calm. The same principle applies here: if you live a healthy life, taking equal care of your mental and physical wellbeing, you are immune to diseases and infections – even new variations of Covid-19! The book contains several other useful pieces of advice, so I definitely recommend it for reading! I wish you all good health! Levente (20)

About the Author

The author has over 20 years experience in working in the pharmaceutical industry. He graduated as Health Developer Coach (ICF-ACC) from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Semmelweis University in Budapest. He began to deal with the topic of healing after an uncurable disease ruined his early years. When he finally managed to recover, he decided to share his astonishing discoveries with the public. Every case study in the book is described with uncanny accuracy and is analysed with deep empathy, seasoned with a little spirituality.

State Examination Board, Faculty of Health Sciences (2009): “What you write in your thesis is really good, young man! Also, it’s innovative and astonishing. But how can we possibly get the message through to the people of Hungary?” The author’s answer: ”I will adapt the book for use by the layman by removing most of the scientific references and the whole of the Latin text for easy reading.”

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